Helping Strong Willed, Highly Sensitive Kids
find their mental flexibility + emotional strength

since 2014

  • Their sweet three-year-old is jealous of the new baby
  • Their clingy five-year-old still uses a bottle and diapers.
  • Their anxious eight-year-old is stuck in school-refusal.
  • Their defiant twelve-year-old won't get off the phone. 
  • Their checked-out fifteen-year-old is starting to vape.

I help kids and parents navigate life's little (and big) hardships.

At the root of each of them, lies the same single issue:

When they come to me, both the parents and the kids are feeling like their challenges are bigger than the skillsets they currently have to handle them.

By the time we're done, their skills outshine their challenges, making everyday life far more navigable.

This is the magic of RESILIENCE.

Different problems? Yes, BUT...


But how can we teach our kids resilience when we are already doing so much?

We can't do more. We're... EXHAUSTED.

Even the U.S. Surgeon General is worried about us, and just declared parenting a mental health hazard.

You know what it really takes to get that toddler to eat the rainbow? 

We're trying to solve too many problems and not the ONE that would solve almost all of them at once.


You know what it takes to get that kid off the iPad and playing sports outside? 

You know what it takes to get that teenager to do their homework? 

That toddler has to be willing to experience unfamiliar tastes, overcome possible sensory issues, and practice self care. You know what all those things require? RESILIENCE

That child has to know how to delay gratification, deal with disappointment, and exhibit cognitive flexibility just to get off the screen. Then to actually play the game, they have to deal with the pressure of everyone else's expectations for the team, and maybe even some intense friendship dynamics among the players. All of those will require RESILIENCE

That teenager has to be willing to do hard things, even when they'd rather be doing fun things. They have to forsake perfection and be willing to be "good enough". They have to plan out their schedule using executive function skills that are still just developing, and they may even have to overcome social anxiety to ask for help. Guess what each of those steps require? Yep, you guessed it: RESILIENCE

I know a thing or two about                       

Hi, I'm Abigail Wald.


My son and I had to learn resilience in very dramatic circumstances. But, once I saw the difference it was making in our world, I became obsessed with helping other families learn it too. Gradually my personal mission became a movement – a Mother Flipping Awesome movement!

I have now been doing this work for over 11 years and have received over 1000 spontaneous letters of gratitude from the families who have redesigned their lives using this approach. They now enjoy greater resilience and so much more ease in almost every corner of their parenting lives and I continue to be inspired by their amazing stories of transformation. 

Isn't resilience something you're just born with?
No. It is learned. And                                             

Here are some pics of our community:

learning it changes lives.

Every month our movement grows, as I share this new approach with parents from all over the world, including the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Bahrain, and Switzerland.

I hope to celebrate your story too one day. 💛

Here are just some of the amazing stories of transformation that have happened in our community, in a matter of mere months:






PODCAST Downloads




PLUS 4 quick Takeaways that will help you feel less like a sandwich maker and more like a soul shaper. 

AN INTRO TO MFA, and how we think about parenting over here.